New blog day!

On beginning a new blog

I aim for this to be a journal on my own experiences and lessons learned in my normal job within Agile manual and automated testing, and a progressive blog on any new ideas I delve into such as security testing.

I’ve found a lot of other blogs useful, and it’s interesting to see how others investigate any part of the discipline that interests them, so this blog will be following myday job as an agile tester, and my own experiements and interests in security testing.

Security Testing

I’ve been given permission to do security testing as part of my day job which is very helpful to my development, otherwise I’m a close follower of The Register, the netsec subreddit and more practically through capture the flag VMs at vulnhub.

I’ve an interest in the OSCP, so I think my final goal will be to earn that and hopefully become a more effective tester along the way.

Written on October 25, 2016